
Solar Energy in Sri Lanka | Solar Thermal Power

There are several types of concentrated solar thermal power plants in operation. The key difference among them is that they employ different types of reflectors. But they all (except concentrated photovoltaics) share almost the same concept to convert heat into electricity: It is nothing but a steam-powered electric generator! Theoretically, concentrated solar power is one of the simplest renewable energy technologies. The term “concentrated solar power” generally refers to both concentrated solar thermal power (CSTP) and concentrated photovoltaics. To begin with, let us start our discussion from concentrated solar thermal power technology. Concentrated solar thermal power plants convert solar energy into heat of a working fluid and the heat is then converted into electricity. A typical concentrated solar thermal power plant employs mirrors or reflectors to focus solar radiation onto a small surface area where a working fluid has been enclosed. The fluid absorbs heat from focused sol

solar panels for homes and businesses

solar panels for homes Not all the money has come into place for these projects and the electric companies must still confirm the projects before they are built.

Solar Power System

Solar Power System A solar power system should be in Puerto Rico in six weeks, providing enough electricity for all local homes and businesses, Tesla has confirmed, following earlier criticism by Hurricane Maria’s official death toll of 64.   The Tesla team has done this for many smaller islands around the world, but there is no scalability limit, so it can be done for Puerto Rico too. Such a decision would be in the hands of the PR govt, PUC, any commercial stakeholders and, most importantly, the people of PR. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 5, 2017   Earlier this week, Tesla announced that it had helped to install Powerpacks for the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) at the San Juan Airport. Now Elon Musk has confirmed that a 90kW solar power system will be shipped to Puerto Rico in around six weeks. It is unclear who will finance the project, however. Tesla’s initial goal was to have at least 10 Tesla Powerpack-equivalent systems operational in Puerto Rico.